Airway Diseases, Antioxidants, Digestive & Gut Health, Horse Health, Muscle Recovery, Transporting Horses
Top Tips for Recovery from Transport

Top Tips for Recovery from Transport
There is always a real risk of a horse developing travel sickness, especially following a lengthy journey. Travel sickness is caused by a bacterial infection of the lungs and chest cavity that occurs when the normal bacteria of the upper respiratory tract enter the lower airways, causing infection. Read here for transport tips to reduce the risk.
Many horses sweat excessively during transport due to heat inside the float or truck and/or anxiety. It is important to replace lost electrolytes quickly to facilitate faster recovery.
Gut disturbance and loss of appetite are also common following transport due to elevated stress levels and a subsequent change in the gut microbiome. This needs to be managed quickly to prevent weight loss, colic and gastric ulcers.
- Replace electrolytes lost during the journey with a commercial electrolyte such as Farmalogic Replenish.
- Continue with antioxidant and probiotic supplementation for 3 – 14 days after transport with Farmalogic Melox antioxidants and Farmalogic Rejuvenate paste or powder. This aids muscle recovery and boosts gut health and immunity following transport.
- If your horse has reduced appetite following the journey, add B-group vitamins by using Farmalogic B-Good Paste or Farmalogic Mega-B Boosta instead of Rejuvenate for a few days.
- Include a biscuit or two of lucerne hay in the diet each day to reduce risk of gastric ulcers. For ulcer-prone horses, add a serve of Farmalogic ReLEAF for additional peace of mind.
- Allow your horse at least 2-3 days to recover from a long journey before commencing strenuous exercise or other stressful activity.
- Monitor and record your horse’s temperature twice daily for a week following prolonged transport.
- Watch your horse’s appetite and demeanour for 3-5 days after transport.
- Seek veterinary assistance if your horse has an elevated termperature, appears lethargic, loses appetite, has diarrhea, nasal discharge, persistent cough, founder or colic.
Guidelines to help your horses arrive at their destination in a healthier state and ready to perform to their potential.
- Click here to learn about the health risks in transporting horses.
- Click here for Tips to prepare for transport
- Click here for Tips for keeping your horse healthy during transport
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