Hayley Thomas


Hayley Thomas, Christchurch, New Zealand

Discipline: Eventing

Professional/Amateur: Amateur

Career Highlight: For me it was competing in my first eventing CNC 95cm.

Best Horse: Bella “Peragon Bellini”, 16 year old, 161cm Holsteiner chestnut mare.

Why do you choose Farmalogic products?

I stand by these products 100%. They do what they say they will do. The company is run by incredibly passionate and knowledgeable people. There is access to information that is science-based and they take time to help find the best solution for your horse. Any question I have ever had has been answered with thoroughness and care. It gives me enormous amounts of confidence knowing I’m doing the absolute best for my horse.

How did you first get started on Farmalogic products?

I was hugely skeptical to change from what I was using due to Bella being a very sensitive horse with allergies. After some amazing discussions filled with facts and information from the Faramlogic team I made the change… and I have never looked back! I worked closely with Larissa for a full diet analysis. Once Bella started on Equine Vit&Min Premium Blend the benefits very quickly came to light! It completely evened out her temperament and her coat is absolutely gleaming! She has become a much more consistent horse in her work and competitions – it really goes to show how having everything balanced can really help them from the inside out. We absolutely wouldn’t be without this product now and I have total confidence Bella is getting exactly what she needs!

Which products do you use?

Every day I use EVM Premium Blend or EVM Essentials (depending on the season) and Faramalogic ReFLEX. I use Farmalogic Melox, B-Good Paste and Farmalogic Rejuvenate as needed. Whatever your chosen discipline, the type of horse and level or riding Farmalogic offers a solution for all gut health or nutritional issues!

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